Dec 17, 2017

Emblem of Nulgath Bot

hello guys, as the tittle said, i will share emblem of nulgath farming bot. it is the fastest way that i know to farm emblem of nulgath, and void highlord (VHL). you can download it from the link below.
fyi, in this bot, we are farming with Nation Recruits: Steal Your Fate quest.

how to use it?
i tested it with le bot 8.9
1. open the le bot 8.9
2. log in
3. click on "bot manager" or press "F3" on keyboard
4. click on "load" button
5. load the bot
6. check on the "enable" checkbox

emblem.dmbot : download

tag : aqw bot aq bot 2017 december 17 free lastest bot cheat hack fastest